The project is interdisciplinary, exploring transversal skills and competencies in the curriculum, and anchored in the UN's sustainable development goals.
It is aligned with the national curriculum, delivering literacy, numeracy, science,, geography, citizenship, digital literacy, and a plethora of other curriculum outcomes, having been adopted as an exemplar in how to embed blended arts based learning in the curriculum.
It happens once a week during school normal hours. Each episode lasts approximately 90 minutes.
The school receives the facilitation guides for each episode in advance. On each guide, teachers have access to the episode structure, objectives and learning outcomes, as well as extra resources and activities.
The digital environment provides opportunities for the classroom teacher to continue working on the project whilst delivering their classes.
Online Assíncrono e Síncrono
Carga horária:
4h horas síncronas + 4h horas assíncronas + atividades complementares assíncronas
De 17 de junho até 11 de julho
Como irá funcionar:
O curso acontecerá sempre nas segundas e quintas. Segundas com aulas assíncronas com aulas gravadas e quintas com aulas síncronas das 19h às 20h.
Professores da Educação Básica (Educação Infantil até Ensino Médio)
Inscrições gratuitas via ordem de inscrição.
Vagas limitadas:
30 pessoas (25% das vagas serāo destinadas para pessoas negras, trans e indígenas)